The church hall approx. 11mx7m (36ftx23ft) and kitchen are available for hire. The table below lists the present activities and the appropriate contact details.
Present Bookings: Day | Morning | Afternoon | Evening | Monday | 9.00 - 11.30am Baby & Toddler Group Contact: Libby Cleal | 2.00 - 4.00pm Friendship Club Contact: Andrew Maxwell | 5.30-6.30pm: ‘Rainbows’ Contact: Dawn Thompson 6.45 - 7.45pm: 'Brownies' Contact:Laura Guilder | Tuesday | | | 4.30 - 8.30pm Slimming World Cath Miller. | Wednesday | CHURCH 9.am ‘Ecumenical Communion’ followed by Coffee | CHURCH 2.00-3.00pm alternate Wednesdays ‘Wednesday Fellowship’ Contact: Beryl Couling 2.00-3.00pm | 4.30 - 8.30pm Slimming World Cath Miller. | Thursday | 08.30-1130am
Slimming World Contact Cath Miller | 2.00 to 5.00pm, Ist Thursday in the month (commencing 6 July) 'Community Film Club' Contact: Andrew Maxwell | 5.45-6.45pm 'ChiChi Fitness' Contact: Kirsten Cottey 7.00- 8.30.pm 'Guides' Contact: Judith Spalding | Friday | 10.00am-12.00pm. 2nd Fri in the month 'U3A Singing for fun'. Contact: Frances Yelland | | | Saturday | 9.30 - 11.30 'Brownies' 12.00 -7.00pm 1st Fri in month Memory Books Contact: Karen Cottey 9.30-1.00pm. 2nd Saturday. 'Coffee Morning' |
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