What's On

     Glos_Meth Eco award 

What's On

16 February 2025

Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Church

 Bishop’s Close, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8NT


 Minister: Rev Jayne Webb (tel. 01684 298650)

Lay Community ​Outreach Worker: Andrew Maxwell

(tel. 07594 988 396)


Welcome to you all

10.30am: We welcome Rev John Kime from Winchcombe to lead our worship, which includes Holy Communion. Please stay for refreshments
and fellowship if you can

This week

Monday 17 February:

9.30am-11am: Little Angels mother and baby group meets here.

12.45pm-1.45pm: The weekly prayer meeting meets in the Quiet Room to pray for the Church activities of the week and for anyone known

to us who would like our prayers. If you know of anyone who would like us to pray for them, or someone else, could you let either Pauline, Ruth

or Andrew know, or email him on [email protected]. You should obtain the person's permission before doing so.

2pm-4pm: Meet Up Mondays meets here. Please come along to help or enjoy, and please bring a friend to enjoy a cuppa and a chat. IT

specialist Andy Dunn will join us again, to provide advice to anyone who may have an IT query. If you have any problems with your

computer, why not come and see Andy for some free advice.

Wednesday 19 February:

9am: The ecumenical Holy Communion service here will be led by Rev Steve Ward. As always, a warm welcome awaits you.

2pm: The Wednesday Fellowship meets here. This week Vanessa Saunders, one of our church members, will give us a talk about flower

arranging. Do come along and find out how its done! There will be the usual sales tables and light refreshments will be served afterwards.

Thursday 20 February:

7.45pm: House group 61 continues its study on “Prayer and Listening”. Please contact Pauline Jones if you would like to find out more. It meets every two weeks.

Further ahead

Wednesday 26 February:

10.15am: Worship group meets here. All are welcome to attend.

Friday 7 March:

10.30am: World Day of Prayer service at St Michael's

The Cook Islands are the centre of our thoughts this year. Please come and join us, all are welcome. Tea and coffee will be served after the

service. Further information from Pauline Jones.

Saturday 8 March, when we are having 2 events at the same time.

The first is a Coffee Morning run by Sue Duckworth on behalf of The Lightbeam Project starting at 10 am in the hall. The Lightbeam Project is

a team of international volunteers which reaches out to children with limited educational resources at DIKSHA School near New Delhi, India.

The second is a conference by Christian Aid (in the church sanctuary) from 10.30am - 1pm entitled Changemakers Conference 2025,

details of which can be found on the table at the back of the church.

Notice from Andrew

During Lent we will be holding a discussion group on Thursdays 13, 20,27 March and 10 and 17 April. If anyone would like to lead one of our

sessions, would you please let me know during the coming week? Thank you.



The Spring edition of the magazine for Jayne's churches will appear in March. If you have news, articles, reflections, poems, prayers, recipes or

photographs, etc. please let the editor Jean Davies have them by 7 March. Her email address is
[email protected] or give/send them to

me and I will forward your contribution.

Next Sunday 23 February

10.30am: We will welcome Andrew to lead our worship.
What's On

Please send any contributions for the next edition by the end of Wednesday 19 February to [email protected] 


Thank you