What's On

     Glos_Meth Eco award 

What's On

15 September 2024

Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Church

 Bishop’s Close, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8NT


 Minister: Rev Jayne Webb (tel. 01684 298650)

Lay Community ​Outreach Worker: Andrew Maxwell

(tel. 07594 988 396)



10.30am: Welcome to you all. Welcome also to Andrew who leads our worship. After the service please stay for refreshments in the hall if you can.

3pm: Circuit assembly at Stonehouse Methodist Church.

6pm: Circuit service at Stonehouse Methodist Church.


This week


Monday 16 September:

9.30am-11am: Little Angels mother and baby group meets here.

12.45pm-1.45pm: The weekly prayer meeting meets in the Quiet Room to pray for the Church activities of the week and for anyone known to us who would like our prayers. If you know of anyone who would like us to pray for them, or someone else, could you let either Pauline, Ruth or Andrew know, or email him on [email protected]. You should obtain the person's permission before doing so.

2pm-4pm: Meet Up Mondays meets here. Please come along to help or enjoy, and please bring a friend to enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Andy Dunn, an IT specialist, will join us again, to provide advice to anyone who may have an IT query. If you have any problems with your computer, why not come and see Andy for some free advice.


Wednesday 18 September:

9am: The ecumenical Holy Communion service here will be led by Rev Tim Garrett, rector of St Michael's. As always, a warm welcome awaits you.


Thursday 19 September:

7.45pm: House group 61 meets in church to continue the current study on Forgiveness. If you are interested in joining us please contact Pauline Jones.



The new edition of Crosspoint, the magazine for Jayne's churches, is available at the back of the church. Please take a copy. You will especially enjoy reading the contributions from our church.



Messages from Andrew


On 20 September, for one night only, there is a play entitled If Prison Walls Could Speak, which will be performed by the Artless Theatre Company at Highbury Congregational Church in Cheltenham. This tells the true story of Christian worker Petr Jasek, who was brutally imprisoned in Sudan for helping the small indigenous churches in that country. There are leaflets at the back of the church, if you are interested. I have also some further information which I can send to you, if you want to know more.


It would be very helpful if we could obtain some 'black out' facilities for the church,  which would enable us to produce a better image when showing a film etc. If anyone is able to help, would you please let me know. Thank you.




Next Sunday 22 September


10.30am: Our worship will be led by members of our congregation..



What's On


Please send any contributions for the next edition by the end of Wednesday 18 September to [email protected]

Thank you.