Second Sunday in Advent
Welcome to you all
10.30am: We welcome Andrew to lead our Nativity service. Please stay for refreshments in the hall if you can.
This week
Monday 9 December:
9.30am-11am: Little Angels mother and baby group meets here.
12.45pm-1.45pm: The weekly prayer meeting meets in the Quiet Room to pray for the Church activities of the week and for anyone known to us who would like our prayers. If you know of anyone who would like us to pray for them, or someone else, could you let either Pauline, Ruth or Andrew know, or email him on [email protected]. You should obtain the person's permission before doing so.
2pm-4pm: Meet Up Mondays meets here. Please come along to help or enjoy, and please bring a friend to enjoy a cuppa and a chat. Andy Dunn, an IT specialist, will join us again, to provide advice to anyone who may have an IT query. If you have any problems with your computer, why not come and see Andy for some free advice.
Wednesday 11 December:
9am: The ecumenical Holy Communion service here will be led by Jayne. As always, a warm welcome awaits you.
10.15am: The stewards meet here.
Thursday 12 December:
2pm: Andrew continues the study Mark's Gospel. Please come along. Everyone is welcome. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday of the month.
7.45pm: House group 61 meets in church to continue the current study on Forgiveness. If you are interested in joining us please contact Pauline Jones .
Saturday 14 December:
10.30am-12 noon: Bishop's Cleeve Bereavement Support meets at St Michael's Centre. This is an opportunity to meet with others who have been bereaved for a coffee/tea, cake and chat.
Further ahead: Christmas worship
Sunday 22 December: We will be holding our Carol Service. We invite you to nominate your favourite carol. It can come from Singing the Faith or Hymns and Psalms. Please write the details on one of the slips of paper and post it in the box available on the table at the back of the church. Include your name if you so wish! Though we may not be able to sing them all in the time allowed we will choose the ones that are most popular and include as many as we can along with readings and prayers.
Please join us for these services if you can.
Other notices
Christmas stamps: Please keep the stamps from the cards you receive and put them in the net by the coat pegs. They help to raise money for the cobalt unit at Cheltenham General hospital. Thank you.
The Christmas edition of Crosspoint is still available. There are a few copies on the table at the back of the church. Please take one.
Rachel Simpson sends her thanks to all who knitted Christmas Trees for Anna Chaplaincy as part their Christmas projects initiative.
Next Sunday 15 December: Third Sunday in Advent
10.30am: In a change to the original arrangement, Rev Dr Marcus
Torchon is unable to be with us and so we will welcome Rev Martin Turner from Cheltenham to lead our worship.
6.30pm: Carols by Candlelight in St Michael's. Refreshments afterwards.
Angel Exhibition
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Angel Exhibition: creators, stewards, tea makers and especially to Andrew whose idea it was and who worked so hard to make it a success.
What's On
Please send any contributions for the next edition by the end of Wednesday 11 December to [email protected]