10.30am: We welcome Denise Baugh from Cheltenham to lead our worship. Please stay for refreshments and fellowship if you can.
This week
Monday 20 January:
9.30am-11am: Little Angels mother and baby group meets here.
12.45pm-1.45pm: The weekly prayer meeting meets in the Quiet Room to pray for the Church activities of the week and for anyone known to us who would like our prayers. If you know of anyone who would like us to pray for them, or someone else, could you let either Pauline, Ruth or Andrew know, or email him on [email protected]. You should obtain the person's permission before doing so.
2pm-4pm: Meet Up Mondays meets here. Please come along to help or enjoy, and please bring a friend to enjoy a cuppa and a chat. IT specialist Andy Dunn will join us again, to provide advice to anyone who may have an IT query. If you have any problems with your computer, why not come and see Andy for some free advice.
Wednesday 22 January:
9am: The ecumenical Holy Communion service here will be led by Rev Steve Ward from Cheltenham. As always, a warm welcome awaits you.
2pm: The Wednesday Fellowship meets here. This week we welcome back our friends David and Margaret Aldred who will tell us about their mini-cruise to the Channel Islands and France. There will be the usual sales tables. Please note that the price of upcycled cards has increased to 50p each, or 5 for £2.
Thursday 23 January:
2pm: Bible study. Andrew re-starts the study of Mark's Gospel here. Please come along. Everyone is welcome.
7.45pm: House group 61 starts a study on “Prayer and Listening”. Please contact Pauline Jones if you would like to find out more. They will then meet every two weeks.
Other notice
At the back of the church is a letter from the Salvation Army thanking the congregation for their gifts to their Christmas appeal. In addition to the physical gifts, the generous sum of £485 was raised.
Sunday 26 January
10.30am: Jayne will lead the annual Pastoral Visitors' re-dedication service. This will include seated Holy Communion.
What's On
Please send any contributions for the next edition by the end of Wednesday 22 January to [email protected]